Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is the process of removing a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. There are a number of reasons why teeth may need to be extracted. One of the most common reasons is when tooth decay has progressed to the point that it can no longer be treated with a dental filling or other restorative procedure. In such cases, extraction is often the only option left to restore oral health.

Other reasons for extraction include:

  • Gum disease – When gum disease reaches advanced stages, it can destroy the bone and tissue that support teeth, making extraction necessary.
  • Tooth fracture – If a tooth is fractured beyond repair, extraction is often the best option.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth – Wisdom teeth that are impacted (not able to erupt normally) may need to be extracted before they begin causing pain or other dental problems.

One of the most common types of extraction is a simple extraction, which is performed when the tooth is visible in the mouth and can be easily accessed. A surgical extraction may be required if the tooth is impacted or if it is not easily reachable for any reason.

  • The procedure begins with our dentist numbing the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic.
  • A small incision is then made in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and the underlying bone. 
  • We will then use special tools to remove the tooth from its socket. If necessary, the surrounding bone may be modified to ensure that the tooth can be removed without damage to the surrounding tissues.
  • Once the tooth is removed, we will clean and pack the wound with a sterile dressing. 
  • Sutures may then be placed to help close the wound for healing. 

In most cases, there is minimal swelling or bleeding after surgery, and the patient can resume normal activities within a few days.

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